
 The herbal name of the snake plant is Sansevieria Trifasciata, local to Asia and Africa. The plant has particular blade like leaves that develop upstanding, having an uncanny similarity to fake foliage. Snake plants are not difficult to really focus on and keep up with; thus they are extraordinarily found in finished on like houses and workplaces.


The leaves are poisonous and cause swelling and numbness on the tongue if eaten in large doses. Keeping the snake plant out of reach of children and pets is advisable.


Types of Snake Plant:


The common type of snake plant has foliage representing slender, long leaves with silver streaks that can grow up to several feet long. Other common varieties include:


  • Bird’s nest snake plant: The other name of the bird's snake plant is Hahnii. It is little and develops upto 6 feet. The plant leaves resemble a cup, similar to a bird’s nest shape.


  • Cylindrical snake plant: This kind of snake plant has round leaves that grow a few feet. The leaves of the plant look like a crown.



  • Sansevieria ‘Golden hahnii: Sansevieria trifasciata is a bantam cultivar. Its dim green foliage has a particular, smooth edge with an upstanding and thick rosette appearance, making it ideal for end tables.


Dracaena trifasciata ‘Moonshine’: This cultivar has delightful brilliant green leaves. If you keep this plant in a more obscure region, the foliage will turn hazier. The leaves will likewise normally turn hazier as they age.

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